Thursday, January 5, 2012

Fear of Intimacy, III

Have you built a protective wall around your heart? Do you fear abandonment so much, or experience such fear of intimacy, that you simply can't (or won't) let love in?

I was thinking this morning about the last article and the expanding my threshold for intimacy exercise and it suddenly hit me. There was a time in  my life when I was too afraid of losing something (or more importantly, someone), to ever risk letting myself become even more attached. Oh my gosh! No way! I'm wearing a big smile on my face, just thinking about it.

It all seems ridiculous to me now, but I know that it's a very real (and confining) fear. What I want for all of us is to feel free to love, to feel free of fear and to live our lives to the absolute fullest; to live to our highest potential, to experience joy, peace and contentment. EVERY day. It is possible. I'm living proof.

I still have some bad times. Personal growth is an ongoing process. What I've found though, is that the more I open myself up to love and say "no" to fear, the easier it becomes to do. At first it was really frightening and it took a long time to move past a bad day, or to move past hurt to peace. These days, it all flows in and out so much easier. I'm feeling less blocked to love, so any fear or hurt I experience flows in and just flows back out - like the tides of the ocean.